Lates Update: 2024年 8月 7  7 Aug 2024

 2014/10/10 従来のNewsと活動報告のpageを統合し、新たに "News & 活動報告(ブログ)" を作成しました。日々のTopicsをブログ形式でupしていきます。 従来の記事も再掲しています。



   News and activity reports posted prior to Oct. 10, 2014 have been combined on the new News & Activity Reports page (blog), where everyday topics are covered. Previously posted articles are also available on the blog.


 Comments may be posted on some articles, so feel free to offer your opinion. Please note, however, that frequent power outages and disruptions in Internet service in Kitgum make it difficult to reply on a timely basis.


 Because of the complicated situations of orphans in Uganda, the most of them have no birth certificates and it is difficult to accurately determine their backgrounds. Therefore ages on this site are estimates made at the time the article was posted.  

PRAfrica official ホームページへようこそ!! Welcome!!

K.Hatsue known locally as Lamunu,PRAfrica country director with some of the children she is helping.
K.Hatsue known locally as Lamunu,PRAfrica country director with some of the children she is helping.

PRAfrica(Poverty Relief)は、ウガンダ北部のキトゥグムで、戦争やエイズによる孤児を主な支援対象に活動しているNGOです。キトゥグムでは、20年以上続いた戦争が停戦となった今も、貧困や、エイズ、さらに北部に特有の原因不明の”うなずき病”を含めた種々の疾病、PTSDなど様々な問題が混在し、多くの子どもたちが支援を必要としています。

PRAfricaは,戦争中の2003年よりこの地で活動を開始、2009年に地域初の”無料”図書館を始めました。2015年現在、図書館の利用登録者数は5000人に上っています。 図書館活動を通じて子どもたちと関わり、2012年夏、新たに就学支援プロジェクトを始めました!!

2014年1学期からは、Kitgumの児童男女13人とAgago県の女子1人合わせ14名を支援,2014年5月2学期からは、さらに新しく5名を加え、18名+Agago県の女子1名=計19名の支援を始め, 更に3学期(9月)には1名を,2015年1学期には、7名を新たに入・復学させました。しかし図書館"寺子屋”には既に、「次は、自分が支援を受けられる番かも!?」と期待を胸に20名近くの学齢期の孤児たち達が通ってきています!! 

 皆様のご理解、ご支援を心からお願いいたします!!  →(詳しくは就学支援のページへ!)

Welcome to the official website of Poverty Relief Africa.

Poverty Relief Africa (PRA) is a non-governmental organization providing aid primarily to children in the Kitgum district of northern Uganda who have been orphaned by war or AIDS. Although hostilities have been suspended in the war that lasted more than 20 years, many problems plague northern Uganda including poverty and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as AIDS and other illnesses, such as nodding disease, which is endemic in the region, and many children need support.


PRA was launched in 2003 while the war was still going on, and in 2009 it opened the first free library in the area. As of 2015, there are 5,000 registered library users. Through the library we interact with local children, and in the summer of 2012 we undertook a new project to enable children to go to school.


In the first term of the 2014 school year the program supported 13 boys and girls in Kitgum and one girl in Agago. An additional five children from Kitgum received assistance to enter or return to school for the second term in May 2014, for a total of 19 children. In the third term (starting in September) one more child was added to the program. But nearly 20 other school-age orphans who are tutored at the library are hoping to be the next to receive assistance that will allow them to attend school.


Your support for our efforts would be sincerely appreciated. ⇒Please refer to

"Educational Support Program"