新図書館:建物周囲の舗装と待望のガラスブロックの設置 Paving around the Building and Installation of Glass Blocks
The concrete paving blocks around the new library are seen in this shot taken from the second
floor of the neighboring War Museum.
工事が大幅に遅れた最大要因のガラスブロックが到着!注文通り10mmの厚さがあるか、物差しで測るBaba Ogen. After the arrival of the glass bricks, the main cause of the delay in the construction, Baba Ogen measures
them to be sure they are 10mm thick as ordered.
全3枚のうちの1枚目と3枚目を嵌め込むワーカーたち。Workers put the first and the third of the three glass blocks into place.