67人目ボランティアのマリナさん&支援者の皆様から送って頂いた本 The 67th Volunteer Marina and Books Sent by Supporters

About Marina:  Marina is a university student doing training at a well known NGO on the outskirts of Kampala. After learning about PR Africa, she got permission from the NGO to come to Kitgum for 15 days.
マリナさんを大歓迎のスタッフ一同   The staff welcomes Marina to the library.
Marina observes students studying at the library - juku.
が、ご存知のように、工事は大幅に遅れていて、完成の目途は立っていません。大変に残念ですが、完成まで、この立派な本々も、きちんと保管できるところが無く、埃をかぶらせておくだけ…。 まことに勝手ですが、ご発送は今しばらくお待ちいただけますよう謹んでお願い申し上げます。加えて、今から発送いただきますと、当地への到着は、私どもの一時帰国中になる可能性が高く、受け取りが困難です。ご高配のほど、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
About books:  Several supporters sent books to the new library, for which we are very grateful. But, as you know, construction is way behind schedule, and it is unclear when the new library will be completed. Unfortunately, we have no place to properly store these wonderful books until then, and they will just collect dust. So please do not send books for the time being. Also, books sent now are likely to arrive while we are in Japan, making it difficult for us to receive them. Your consideration would be appreciated. Thank you.
余裕の笑顔のP.7生 左からOpoka BrianRubanga Kene Dauzi, Anywar Joel 3人とも両親がいませんが、頑張屋です。
Seventh-graders Opoka Brian, Rubanga Kene Dauzi and Anywar Joel are all smiles after completing their Primary Leaving Examinations. Results will be announced nationwide in January. Despite being orphans, all three students study hard.
P.2P.3生 今週後半から期末テストが始まっています、余裕シャクシャク?!
Year -end exams will begin later this week for these second- and third-graders, but they are relaxed!
P.4P.6生 来週月曜から期末テスト開始。余裕あり?なし?
Year -end exams will begin next Monday for these fourth- and sixth-graders. Are they relaxed or not?
P.5生 共通の難敵は高学年になって急に内容が難しくなった算数、理科…
The shared enemies of fifth-graders are the difficult subjects they face upon becoming upper graders, including, maths, science, and….