緊急&重要‼ 年末年始ご挨拶状について


月日の経つのは本当に早いですね。早や師走‼ 今年も、子ども達が支援者の皆様に年一度の挨拶状を差し上げる時期になりました。
例年、予め皆様にメールで、ご住所の確認や、お返事をいただけるかどうかご都合をお伺いしてまいりましたが、今年は、私のPCが故障、修理できないまま今になってしまい、皆様のメルアドが分かりませんので。この記事でご住所の確認やご都合のお伺いに代えさせていただくしかありません。ご住所に変更あり、また、子どもにお返事を書いて頂けないという方は、大変恐れ入りますが、128日㈯までに、kktmf142@ybb.ne.jp までお知らせいただけますよう、お願い申し上げます。




Time really flies. December is already here! It’s time once again for the children to send greetings to their supporters. In previous years, we have contacted you via e-mail to confirm your mailing addresses and willingness to reply to the children. But this year our computer is broken, so we no longer have everyone’s e-mail address and must try to reach you via this notice. If your address has changed or you will be unable to send a reply to a child, please notify us at kktmf142@ybb.ne.jp by Saturday, Dec. 8.
If you know someone who is unlikely to see this notice on our website, please convey this information to that person also.
As in previous years, replies to the children may be sent via regular air mail. Thank you.



 These are some of the replies we received last year. Unfortunately, by the time the cards arrived, we were no longer in contact with some of the children and are still unable to deliver those cards to their recipients.