67番目ボランティア マリナさんが、研修中の某有名NGOで主に取り組んでいるトラウマを抱えた子ども達への“ケアプログラム”を私共の支援子供を対象に実施してくれました。
グループ1,2,3に分かれ、各グループ毎の『チェックイン(導入、自己紹介)、アクティヴィティ①(今回は お絵描き)、 アクティヴィティ②(絵について本人が語る)、チェックアウト(締め括り)』、小休憩を含めて約3時間の活動でした。 子どもたちが集中できるか、反応はどうか、と心配でしたが、活動中にもマリナさんに何度も「すごく良い‼」と言っていただき、私共スタッフ一同から見ても、子ども達が生き生きと楽しそうに活動しているのが良くわかりました。 終了後に撮った写真にも、子どもたちの満足感が溢れていると思います。次は、「我々だけでも、やろう!」とスタッフもやる気満々です。
Our 67th volunteer, Marina, who is doing training at a well known NGO, recently
conducted a “care program” for the children supported by the library. The program, which is intended for children who have experienced trauma, is Marina’s main endeavor at the NGO. Unfortunately,
six children had to cancel their participation in order to attend the funeral of a relative and for other reasons.
The participants were divided into three groups. After “checking
in” (joining their groups and introducing themselves), the members participated in two activities: drawing a picture and describing it. Then they “checked
out” as the program was brought to a close. Including a short break, the program lasted a total of three hours. We were concerned about whether or not the children would be able to concentrate
and what their reactions would be, but Marina gave us a lot of praise throughout the program, and we could see that the children were really enjoying themselves. The children’s sense of
satisfaction is apparent in the photographs taken during and after the program as well. We staff members are eager to undertake the program ourselves!
Between daily library activities and preparing for the care program, Marina was busy visiting homes, facilities for
physically disabled children and camps for refugees from South Sudan. Afterwards she returned to her NGO.