コロナの日々 その2 Coronavirus days (Part 2)

Kop Ango~?  ようやく解除ですね~but 当方ハイリスク高齢者ですので、まだ当分は自粛しようと思っています、歯医者だけは、診療再開するそうですので、治療再開しようと思ってますが、うつるのも、うつすのもマズいので、県境を越えて横浜の母や九州の親類などに会いに行くのもまだまだ・・・ガマン!
 Here in Japan the state of emergency has finally been lifted, but because we are high-risk senior citizens, we plan to continue to exercise self-restraint for a while longer. The dental clinic will start seeing patients again, though, so I plan to resume my treatment. But we mustn’t catch the virus or give it to someone else, so we still have to refrain from going out of the prefecture to visit my mother in Yokohama、Kanagawa Pref. and relatives in Kyushu for a while longer.


We received e-mail messages with a lot of pics from Emma who is a library staff member,  and from Fr.Anthony, our landlord. They are telling us about the situation in Kitgum.

Ktgでは、Emma(3月から大学に通うはずだったけど...)、Isaac(今夏,大学入学申し込み申請を考えていたけど...)、Lawrence(A.2,なので近々授業が再開され、今年秋の終わり頃、国のセカンダリー卒業統一試験を受験することになりそう...)たちが、時々子供たちの相手をしてくれたり、フェンス越しに図書館の様子を見に行ってくれたり、INtネットカフェで、メールをくれたり...有難いです。  In Kitgum Emma, who should have started university in March; Isaac, who was thinking about applying to university this summer; and Lawrence, whose A.2 classes will resume soon and who will probably be able to take the unified examination for secondary school graduation in late fall, sometimes play with the children, check on the situation at the library, and send us e-mail from an Internet café, for which we are grateful.

図書館                   私どものKitgumの宿

 They said that what with the travel ban, the closure of the borders and airports, and the strict restrictions on activities that carry penalties, so far there have been only 300 coronavirus cases and no deaths in Uganda. In Kitgum, people are allowed to move freely within the Kitgum District only from dawn ’til dusk and only on foot or by bicycle. Travel outside the district is only allowed as permitted by the security authorities for activities such as transporting daily necessities. Because there is a shortage of goods, prices have soared to 1.5 times the usual.

 At the primary school, seventh graders(P.7) have returned, and at the high school classes have resumed for students in Ordinary 4(O.4) and Advanced 2(A.2). This school year there are no students in those grades among those supported by the library. The other students have already been out of school for more than three months. Lessons are available via FM radio, but there is typically no electricity in the homes of our students or in their areas, so the children can’t take advantage of the lessons. Most of them have followed the government’s recommendation to evacuate to more rural villages where the likelihood of infection is lower and where food is readily available. The few children who remain in town sometimes come to see Emma and other staff members. (See photos.)


Aber Fortunate         Omara James            Pikica Marvine

Agenorwot Mercy Oyella     Aketowanga Beatrice