およそ2年続いた学校閉鎖が解除され約1カ月が経ちました。今までのところPR Africaが支援する子供たちの内、12名(写真をご覧ください)が通学を始めています。UGでは、始業日に生徒たちが一斉に登校するということはなく、日々、徐々に通学し始め、ほぼ全員が揃うのは、1カ月後くらい、というのが常です。
登校が確認できていない子供たち13人については、Drop out とか、Not reported
After being closed for nearly two years, schools reopened about one month ago. So far, 12 of the children supported by PR Africa have returned to school.
In Uganda, children do not all return to school on the first day but instead return over a period of days. It takes about one month for all of them to start
attending school. Because students must first pay between 3,000 and 5,000 shillings to enroll at the school they wish to attend, they cannot start school until this amount has been
Joyce and Astrid visited four primary and one secondary school and reported on the status of the children going there.
Thirteen students who have not returned to school are merely listed as “Dropped out” or “Not reported.” Does the child have no desire to go back to school
even if financial support is available? Or does the child want to go to school if funds are available? What are the wishes of the parent or guardian? This is being investigated.
Aber Fortunate, Pikica Marvine, Agenorwot Mercy Oyella, Otema Brian,Lubanga nyeyo Emmanuel
Rubanga kene Dauzi
Can wat Brian, Latabu Jackline, Laker Sunday, Anenocan Mirriam
Omara James