Following on her travels during the first term, Joyce once again traveled over a wide area by boda boda and minibus. This time she covered nearly half of Uganda,
slipping and sliding through rivers of red mud in the rainy season. In addition to four parts of the Kitgum District, she visited nine other districts to see children who are now scattered over a
wide area. She paid their school expenses and took photos.
Joyce and Aryemo Sunday in St. Mary’s Kitgum boy’s primary school.
Omara James & Joyce Oyella at Prison School during payment.
Joyce with Aromorach Babra and Rubangakene Stephen at Lumule Primary School.
Joyce on a boda boda travelling to Adilang via Pader and Patongo to meet pupils
Joyce during home base visit.
Rubangakene Dauzi, Anywar Joel and Joyce in Kitgum Town College.
今学期から通学を再開できた2名(Anywar Joel, Aryemo Sunday)を加え、計20名を支援中です!! しかしながら、手掛かりがなくたどり着けない子が2名(Aketowanga Beatrice, Aweko Babra),
さらに、祖母や年少の子供たちのため、日雇いなどして、食費などを稼がなければならない2名(Ajok Scovia, Opoka Brian)もいます。日本などなら、夜間学校とかもあるのですが、何か手が無いものかと思案するばかり…もしお知恵があれば、お知らせください。
Including two children, Anywar Joel and Aryemo Sunday, who resumed attending school
this term, the library is supporting a total of 20 children. We have no information on Aketowanga Beatrice and Aweko Babra, so they could not be found. Ajok Scovia and Opoka Brian are working by
day to support their grandmothers or younger children. In Japan or many other countries, they would be able to attend night or correspondence school. We are trying to think of a way for them to
return to school. If anyone has a suggestion, please let us know.
Adong Rose, Joyce, Caretaker & Teacher at Wol Primary School in Agago District without pair of shoes.
Pupils with Joyce at Kitgum Primary School during payment of fees & requirements.
Akello Sharon and Joyce in Aywee Primary school.
Nakato Harriet, Joyce Oyella and caretaker at Opyelo Primary School in Patongo.
Angee Irene, Joyce and caretakers in Adilang Agago District.
Joyce at Kitgum public primary school.
――なのに、1カ月もたたないうちに、コロナで学校閉鎖。KTGにいる理由がないからと、彼女たち姉妹は、Lira県の亡父の親類に戻され、そして、結婚…。コロナがなければ、あのままずっとKtgで実の母と暮らし学校も続けていられただろうに…とかわいそうでなりません。ただ、彼女が望んだのでないかも、強いられたのかも知れないけど、相手がよい人で、彼女が幸せであればと祈るばかりです。 UGに戻ったら、一度はLira
The story that saddened us the most was that of Amoi Robina, who has married. She first came to the library around the third term in 2019 when she was 12 or 13. After her father
died, her mother remarried and brought her and her sisters from the Lira District to Kitgum. After she learned of the library, Amoi Robina began coming, saying she wanted to learn. She had very
little education, so she studied with the small children at first- or second-grade level. Ordinarily, children are observed for six months to a year before a decision is made as to whether the
library would support them go to school. But Amoi Robina was a serious student and devoted to her studies. Because of her age, we felt that she had little time and it was a shame to make her
wait. So in February 2020 she entered school as a second grader with the library’s support. She squeezed her much larger body into a small second-grader’s chair. Though she was embarrassed, she
attended regularly and studied diligently.
But within one month or so the school was closed on account of the coronavirus. As there was then no reason to stay in Kitgum, she and her sisters were sent back to the Lira District to
live with relatives of her deceased father. …Then she was married. If not for the pandemic, she would likely have stayed in Kitgum with her mother and continued to study. It’s very unfortunate.
It may not have been what she wanted, and she may have been married against her will. We just hope her husband is a good person and she is happy. When we get back to Uganda, we’d like to visit
her in Lira.