炎天下、2学期が始まりました! その1:遠方組リポート Second term begins under a blazing sun: Part 1 Report on students in remote areas 

UGは、といっても、ここKitgumを含む北部・北東部だけなのかもしれませんが、雨季の真っ最中のはずが、雨がほとんど降らず、青物葉物野菜が取れず、穀類豆類や他のものにまで物価高騰が及び、人々は、このままでは、旱魃、飢饉になる!と恐れています。空腹を紛らしてくれたアチコチに自生?!するマンゴーの季節も過ぎてしまい…。 そんな中、2学期が始まりました。何日かに分けて、他県、またKitgum県内でも奥まった村々に転居した支援子供の家庭や学校訪問をしました。タウン内や近在の子供たちのところは、Podiまだ、ですが、先ずは“遠方組”の訪問の様子をご覧ください。”近在組“についても、追ってお知らせしますので、折々、✓お願いいたします。
 In Japan the season of fresh greenery is no doubt over, and the dreary rainy season must have begun. In Uganda – or at least the north/northeastern regions where Kitgum is – we should be in the middle of the rainy season. But very little rain has fallen, and green leafy vegetables cannot be grown. Their price and the prices of cereals, beans and other foods have risen sharply, and people are concerned that they will face drought and starvation. Mangoes, which grow wild throughout the area and which people had been eating to fill their bellies, are no longer in season.
 Meanwhile the second school term has begun. Over several days we visited the homes and schools of children supported by the library who have moved to other districts or to rural villages in the Kitgum District and other districts. We have not yet visited students nearby, including those in town or in nearby villages.

ルバンガニェヨ マニュエル(P.6)。今後一緒に暮らすことになったオジさん家の前で。Lubangngeyo Emmanuel (6th grade) in front of the home of his uncle, with whom he will live.

同じ敷地内に点在する家々に住む親類たちと。 With relatives who live on the same property. 

ルバンガニェヨ スティーブン(P.5)、ルバン エマ, アロモラチ バブラ(P.7)  コロナ以前、図書館寺子屋で一緒に勉強したことのある3人が偶然また同じ学校で学ぶことになりました。

Lubanganyeyo Stephen (5th grade), Luban.Emma, Aromorach Babra (7th grade)  Before the pandemic,studied together at the library. By coincidence, they now attend the same school. 

 They are holding the report cards they received once the second term began. (In this country, students rarely receive their report cards on the last day of the term. There is a break of about one week between final exams and the last day of the term. During that time, tests are scored and grades are compiled, though.) They were all smiles seeing that their marks reflected their hard work. Their head teacher is on the right in the front row. 

アケロ シャロン(P.7) 祖母と暮らす家の前で。「藁屋根を修理したいけど、お金がなくて…」と、おバアちゃん。Akello Sharon (P.7 7th grade)  in front of the house where she lives with her grandmother, who said she would like to repair the thatch roof but has no money to do so.

受け取ったばかり通知表を手に。3学期のPLE(Primary Leaving Examinations全国のP.7生が一斉に受ける卒業認定テスト)に向けて、やる気マンマン!?  Here she holds the report card. She is a candidate for the Primary Leaving Examinations, which is taken by seventh graders nationwide November in the third term. She is full of ambition.  

アドング ローズ(P.5)。遥かAgago県でオジさん一家と暮らしています。通知表はPodiまだ、です。広~い校庭では牛が遊んでいます!  Adong Rose (5th grade) lives in the distant Agago District with her uncle and his family. Her class has not yet received their report cards although they are two weeks into the second term. Cows frolic in the large schoolyard.

She was happy to be able to use Baba Ogen So’s phone to speak with her brother, who lives far away, for the first time in more than six months.

 アチェン ハリエット(S.1)今年度1学期からPader 県のSecondaryに進みました! ようやく私どもが初めて学校訪問できた日は、1学期の終業日、もらったばかりの通知表を手に。
 Acen Harriet (1st grade) advanced to secondary school in the Pader District in the first term. When we were finally able to visit her school for the first time, it was the last day of the first term and she had just received her report card.   

 Kitgumに来県する用があったオジさんに連れられて来館‼ 新図書館ができる前にAgago県の親戚に引き取られた彼女には初めて見る“新“図書館です。  Her uncle, who came to Kitgum on an errand, brought her to the library. She was taken in by relatives in the Agago District before the new library was built, so it was her first time to see it.