3学期スタート、早や1カ月経過! One month into the third term already!

 We have been using Monday, the only day the library is closed, to visit schools to pay fees for the new term and take care of other procedures. Now we finally have time to work on the blog. That said, during the second term we lost touch with five students who are supported by the library or their whereabouts are unknown. So, their procedures have not been completed.

Adong Rose(P.5)コロナの間、疎開?していたはる~か遠方の山村から戻り、Kitgumタウン近郊のOryangOjumap/sに転校してきて、我々が初めて見る制服姿です。エラ~い先生たちの部屋なので、少々緊張気味?
 During the pandemic, Adong Rose (5th grade) relocated to a distant mountain village. She has returned and is now attending Oryang Ojuma Primary School on the outskirts of Kitgum. This was our first time to see her in her school uniform. We met in the teachers’ room. Perhaps that’s why she looks a little nervous.

Canwat Brian (P.6 チャンワット ブライアン)たまたま屋外活動から教室に戻るところに行き会わせてパチリ。

We ran into Canwat Brian (6th grade) just as he returned to the classroom after working outdoors.


Aber Lydia(アベ― リディアP.1)クラス担任の先生と。実は彼女はリピーター、昨年と同じく1年生、つまり“落第生”なのですが、今年は、2学期までのところ上々の成績! このまま3学期もGo!目指せ進級!!
Aber Lydia (1st grade) with her teacher. She is repeating the first grade, but this year her grades through the second term are excellent! Keep up the good work in the third term and shoot for promotion!

 Lakica Grace(左から3人目、ラキチャ グレイスP.1) 2学期の通知表をもらい損ねたままで、3学期に入っても、Podiまだ…なので、先生に聞きに来ました。ど~やら先生が紛失したらしく、おニューのを無料再発行してくれました! もし、こちら生徒側が失くしたりした場合は、実費+手数料を請求されま~す! 
 Lakica Grace (1st grade, third from left) started the third term without having received her report card for the second term. So we went to ask the teacher about it. It seems the teacher lost the report card, so she reissued it at no charge. If students lose their report card, they must pay the actual cost plus a service fee in order to have it reissued. 

 Aweko Babra(職業訓練校 美容師コース)DIT(Directorate of Industrial Training)という公的試験の受験料確認のため学校へ。実は、先週、学校の経理担当者の横領・使い込みが発覚、そのスタッフは逮捕され、今も留置所で取り調べを受けているとか、で、受験生一人一人につき納金状況を確認したい、とのことで,校長先生と話を。Awekoに関しては問題ないようですが、影響を受ける生徒もいるのでは…。

Aweko Babra is in the hair-dressing course at a vocational school. We went to the school to confirm payment of the fees for the exam offered by the Directorate of Industrial Training. Just last week, embezzlement by the school’s accountant was discovered. The staff was arrested and are being detained for questioning. The principal  wants to confirm each test taker’s payments. There do not seem to be any problems related to Aweko, but other students may have been affected.

Latabu Jackline(P.7)最近姿を見てないので、一目見られたら、と思い校舎の方に行こうとしたら、「今P.7は、PLE(Primary Leaving Exams 小学校卒業認定国家試験、来月上旬に本番!)の模擬試験中なので、これ以上近くに行かないで!」と足止めされ、はるか彼方からパチリ。祈健闘‼!
We hadn’t seen Latabu Jackline (7th grade) recently, so we headed to her school. We were asked not to get too close as the seventh-graders were taking a practice exam for the Primary Leaving Exams to be given early next month. So we took this shot from quite a distance. We wish her good luck!

10月9日は62回目のウガンダの独立記念日。去年はナゼかここKitgumにム大統領一行を迎えて盛大な式典が‼ 不測の事態に備えて図書館はクローズしました。今年も、K‘laなど都会では大賑わいのようですが、Kitgumでは、元々通り静かな祝日。3学期が始まり平日来られない一般ユーザーが多数来館。
Oct. 9 marked the 62nd anniversary of Uganda’s independence. For some reason, last year President Yoweri Museveni and his delegation came to Kitgum and there was a grand ceremony. On the chance of unforeseen circumstances, we closed the library. This year there were big celebrations in Kampala and other cities, but it was a quiet holiday in Kitgum as usual. It was the start of the third term, and many regular patrons who can’t come on weekdays visited the library.

 乳幼児を連れて来た兄姉が読書中、乳幼児が寝たり遊んだりできるようにオモチャ付き別室を用意していますが、そこに入るのを拒むベイビーたちが、机を一つ占領! お漏らししないことを願いつつ…
 We provide a separate room with toys where infants and toddlers can sleep or play while their big brothers and sisters read. Babies who refuse to go in there take up an entire desk. We hope they don’t wet their pants…

手すきの時には、乳幼児室にスタッフが様子を見に行き、遊んであげられることもあります。Lawrenceは子供を遊ばせるのが上手です。 When they’re not busy, staff members go in to check on the little ones and sometimes play with them. Lawrence is good at playing with children.


Dick’s class (3rd grade)

3学期スタート初日、今学期も学校には行かれず図書館寺子屋で勉強する子供たちが来館。好物のビスケットをふるまいました。  Children who won’t be able to school again this term came to study at the library on the first day of the third term. We treated them to the cookies they love.

Lawrence’s class (2nd grade)

Robinson のクラス(P.1レベル)& Joyceのクラス(就学前レベル)

Robinson’s class (1st grade) & Joyce’s class (pre-schooler)

「テストで間違えたところ、授業でよくわからないところなどを教えて!」というので、今学期から始めた上級生向けの“日曜寺子屋”。この日は生徒は3名、A.Rose(P.5)、Canwat(P.6)とAketowanga Sarah(P.6)。3時間ほとんど休憩なしで熱心に取り組んでいました! 中奥は、この日担当のRobinson。

This term we started offering Sunday lessons for upper-graders who have questions about mistakes they made on tests or things they didn’t understand in class. Three students came this day: A. Rose (5th grade), Canwat (6th grade), and Aketowanga Sarah (6th grade). They studied hard for three hours with almost no break. In the background is Robinson, the teacher today.