ウガンダ発着の郵便事情がコロナのダメージから未だ回復せず、船便は受け付け不可、航空便でも1年以上たっても、届かない! 行方知れず!! が当たり前という状況ですが、EMS利用なら1月中にはお手元に届くかも?と期待して子供たちが絵葉書を描きました。12月10日にKtg郵便局で発送‼ 相変わらず幼稚な色えんぴつ絵ですが、無事届きましたらこのe-mailで「届いた~!」とお知らせいただければ有難いです。モシ、モ~シできましたら絵葉書を手にしたお写真を一枚e-mailしていただければ更にさらに有難いです!!
The year-end school vacation, which includes the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, has begun, and the students whose schooling we support are able to come to the library on weekdays.
The postal system in Uganda has yet to recover from the harm inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic. Sea mail is not accepted, and even airmail is taking more than one year to arrive! It’s normal
to have no idea where your mail is, but the children drew picture postcards hoping that they would be delivered in January if they were sent via international express mail. They were mailed from
the Kitgum post office on Dec. 10. As usual, the children drew simple pictures with colored pencils. If you receive a card, please let us know via e-mail. If you can attach a photo of yourself
with the card you received, that would be even better.
ごく最近、図書館寺子屋に参加し始めた兄弟姉妹いとこ6人のうち最年長のOmara Emmanuel (P.7最終学年)、Ogenrwot Daniel Comboni オゲンルウォット ダニエル コンボニ(P.6)。学費を払ってくれていたオジ(?)が事故で急逝、通学不可に。P.7とP.6では、この先どういう方途が考えられるか分からないのですが、「ともかく勉強は続けたい!」と図書館に通うようになりました。
Six students (siblings and cousins) have just recently begun studying at the library. The uncle (?) who had been paying their school fees was killed in an accident, and they were no longer able to attend school. Omara Emmanuel, the oldest (7th, last year of school), and Ogenrwot Daniel Comboni (6th) are not clear what to do next, but they said that for now they want to continue studying.
Rubangakene Emmanuel(1st)/ルバンガケネ(P.1), Joyce(staff/スタッフ), Aber Lydia(1st)/アベーリディア(P.1)
Oola Peter Ronald(3rd)/オーラ(P.3), Agenorwot Mercy(1st)/アゲノルウォット マーシー(P.1), Agenorwot Priska(2nd)/アゲノルウォット プリスカ(P.2), Omara Oscar(P.5)
Aketowanga Sarah(6th/P.6), Adong Rose(5th/P.5), Latabu Jackline(7th/P.7), Canwat Brian(6th)/チャンワット ブライアン(P.6)
Rubangakene Emmanuel(1st)/ルバンガケネ(P.1), Agenorwot Jenneth(2nd)/アゲノルゥオット ジェネス(P.2), Komagum Marvin Pacotoo(2nd, one of the six new students)/パチョトー(P.2 新参6人の一人)
Lubangangeyo Pollycop(2nd)/ルバンガニェヨ ポリコプ(P.2), Comboni, Baguma Jorrame(3rd, one of the six new students)/バグマ ジョラム(P.3 新参6人の一人)
Rwotomiya Calvin(2nd)/ルウォットオミヤ(P.2), Mweshige Godrey(1st, one of the six new students)/ムウェシゲ ゴッドフリ(P.1, 新参6人の一人)
Agenorwot Mercy(1st/P.1), Agenorwot Priska(2nd)/アゲノルウォット プリスカ(P.2), Omara Oscar(P.5), Dick, Okema Denish(P.3)/オケマ デニシュ(P.3)
Oola, Dick, Okema Denish(3rd/P.3), Ag Mercy, Ag Priska, Oscarr
Mweshige Godfrey(2nd)/ムゥェシゲ(P.2), Agenorwot Blessing(2nd, the only girl among the six new students/P.2 6人のうちの紅一点), Rwotomiya Calvin(1st)/ルウォットオミヤ(P.1)
Sarah、Rose, Latabu Jackline(7th) Jackline has taken the Primary Leaving Examination and is waiting for the results to be announced at the end of next month/(P.7 PLE終了、来月下旬の結果発表待ち!)
昨年は”落第”が3名‼ スレスレかろうじて“進級”が4,5名もいたのですが、今年は落第ゼロ‼! 心配だった低空飛行児たちも、グ~ンと上昇、一躍トップクラスにまで上がった子たちも‼ 図書館補習の驚きの成果! 一同拍手!! 指導したスタッフ一同、満足感、達成感で自信の笑顔!!!
Thirty-five members from 13 families attended the annual meeting for parents and guardians. Eight were absent.
Last year three students failed, and four or five students barely advanced to the next grade. But this year no one failed! Even the “low fliers” that we were
worried about had no difficulty being promoted, and some of them were top of their class. This is the surprisingly good result of their extra lessons at the library. We applaud them! The staff
members who taught them smile with confidence, feeling gratification and a sense of achievement.
こちらは、日・祝など学校の無い時に来館する一般家庭の子供たち。彼らのような普通の子供たちの家でも、自由に絵を描いたりできる紙や色鉛筆など無いのが普通なので、本を読んだ(眺めた?)後のお絵描き、ぬり絵が楽しみ! 来館の目的は実はこちら?!? それを頭にかぶって意気揚々と帰っていきます。
These are children from ordinary households who visit the library on Sundays, holidays and other days when there is no school. Typically, these children have
no paper or colored pencils at home with which they can draw. So, they look forward to drawing pictures or coloring after reading (or looking at) books. In fact, this may be why many of them come
to the library. They put their pictures on their heads and set off for home in high spirits.
図書館閉館時、多分夜間 正面ドア前の屋根付きスペースで、カベに釘を打って蚊帳を吊るし、たばこ(?多分マリファナ?!)を吸ったり飲み食いしたり… という輩が出没!! 夜間の警備スタッフ会社に連絡し、このように、テープと張り紙で、警告を出しました。今のところ効果があるようですが、雨季になったらまた来るのでは…?!? 今は乾季に入りました。
When the library was closed, probably in the middle of the night, some jerks hammered nails into the walls of the roofed area at the front entrance, hung a mosquito net, smoked tobacco (or
maybe marijuana), ate and drank. We contacted the staff of the company that provides night-time security, and a warning was posted. It seems to have been effective, but we wonder if they’ll be
back when the rainy season comes. We’re in the dry season now.